Penis enlargement methods

Penis enlargement options are improved daily. Their numbers increase not only because of the intrigue of professional marketers - men are increasingly interested in how to enlarge the penis, the size of which will change.

The need for this is often explained by the fact that since ancient times, the male genital organs have been considered as an excuse for the pride of their owners.

Today many men are looking for effective methods to enlarge their penis. Which is the best we will consider in the article.

Classification method

classification of ways to increase penis

Penis enlargement methods that allow you to resize better than surgery - requires careful consideration and even more so the application.

As a rule, they imply the use of components that provoke violations of natural metabolic processes that require pathology.

Methods to stimulate blood flow

Each penis enlargement technique is different. Today, there are:

  • prevention of the formation of stagnation phenomenon is the most effective method of penis enlargement, giving results if there is good blood circulation in certain areas. The use of special components stimulates blood flow, which can lead to an increase in size, and quite quickly;
  • use of food supplements - the most effective way to increase is possible for these men, which they help to improve blood circulation in certain areas. Often this penis enlargement technique is combined with other techniques to achieve maximum performance;
  • increased erection - there is no penis enlargement technique in this case, as the name implies. Used for men with weak erections.
  • increased sensitivity is one of the important aspects that can be used to enlarge the penis, and without surgery. In the process of increasing blood flow, the penis enlarges. Among the additional functions is the sensation during sex itself. When choosing a special product, you should definitely pay attention to the composition - the presence of plant extracts that carry a local irritating effect is required;

For your information: modern penis enlargement methods using creams can cause a painful sensation - in the event of excessive daily use. It is very important to keep an eye on the dosage - at the very least, this will save you from feeling uncomfortable.

Tissue stretching method

tissue stretching method

In the process of determining how to enlarge a penis without surgery, these instructions should not be ignored. This is the most effective method of stretching the corpora cavernosa, which must be filled during erection. The end result of this method is an increase in the amount of blood and the newly enlarged penis.

This homemade enlargement has the following benefits:

  1. gradual stretching - provides an opportunity to ensure a minimum risk of injury and other damage. If overused, this method not only helps / contributes to penis enlargement, but also helps reduce erections and the formation of skin cracks;
  2. significant savings - no need to buy special products in the form of creams and other supplements. Enough to follow popular methods with simple rules and success will not be long in coming;
  3. accessibility - this way there is a real way to enlarge the penis. Its effectiveness has been proven by no one, many reviews confirm it. The peculiarity is the lack of a clear schedule - at any time.

Help: choose the best method to enlarge your penis, it is very important to be able to properly assess your strength and ability. Only regular use allows us to talk about increasing masculinity.

Combined method

Combination option is one method of penis enlargement without surgery. This is based on several methods that enhance the penis, in particular by increasing blood flow and stimulating the stretching of the corpora cavernosa.

How you act is up to you. Among them are:

  • jelqing;
  • urut;
  • rub with baking soda several times.

Answering the question, is it possible to add non-operating members with such a method, then yes. Moreover, it is available even for adults - in adulthood.

Help: combining is the oldest technique or one of the oldest, with which you can achieve your goals in the shortest possible time. To combine, you need to repeat it continuously.

The most effective way to increase your volume has the following advantages:

  1. - new technique, but new measurements do not require financial costs. Enough to cover time and patience;
  2. simplicity - any method is easy to use and can be combined with other methods. For example, the old way of enlarging the penis is combined with any of it;
  3. efficiency
  4. . Any method allows you to enlarge male limbs without surgery. How to do it - enough to follow the instructions, for example, the ancient method requires systematic.

Although there are many advantages discussed, the member techniques considered are not considered the most effective. Moreover, they have a high risk of side effects and other complications.

Help: when using a combination method, the results will be quick, but require consistency to combine. If used improperly, there is a possibility of erection loss, sensitivity and even injury.

For this reason one should approach such a process responsibly.

Surgical operation

By considering the resizing method, it is necessary to analyze what results the stronger sex representatives expect. While there are many options to correct the situation, their wrong choice can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Surgery is the most effective method for changing male size and volume. This disorder can be expressed in several variations, in particular:

  • ligamentotomi. The main task is to cut the ligament specifically, where the male organ is attached to the pubic bone. After cutting, it is pulled out of the abdominal cavity, thus changing the size of the penis. A special feature is the ability to influence length, but not its volume;
  • lipofilling - a procedure that requires the transfer of adipose tissue from under the skin into the body of the organ. This method is considered effective because its components are used. The only unpleasant moment was the presence of slow tissue reabsorption. As a result, after a few seconds, bruises may appear on the penis;
  • using implants. They compare it to lipofilling, because of the possibility of setting the end result, especially the amount and length, obtained throughout your life. Despite the use of medical silicone, the presence of its possible rejection by the body is distinguished from its deficiency. As a result, this can lead to inflammation and possibly gangrene;
  • use of special balls. With their help, every man has the opportunity to adjust his dignity zone. They are made from hypoallergenic materials, and during surgery, the skin of the organ will be implanted. The end result is considered to be an increase in the sensitivity of the couple. This is made possible by the additional stimulation of its internal erogenous zones.
surgical operation

Important: if choosing ligamentotomy as the main method of resizing, it is necessary to combine the results obtained. This takes a certain amount of time to put on the developer - to ensure masculinity in certain positions.

Wearing such a tool provides an opportunity to exclude the possibility of returning to the previous organ parameters and to the abdominal cavity in particular - to the place where the body used to be (it will linger over time and the developer can be removed).

Traditional methods

Folk remedies, especially medicines, make it possible to discuss the possibility of reaching the required parameters of your organs at home.

Among the most effective tools are:

  • thyme. It needs to be crushed, brewed and pressed. The ready-to-use solution is used for 4 consecutive months in the morning and evening;
  • garlic is the color of it. For making, it is necessary to grind, add alcohol and mix well. After that, it is left for a few days in a dry place (optimum period is 10 days). You need to take 25 drops for 3 months continuously;
  • tinctures made from ginseng, hawthorn or ginkgo leaves should be rubbed into the organs;
  • wormwood seeds. Cooking recipe: pour cold water, after which you need to boil for about 10 minutes, cool, strain and take orally;
  • The ancient method of penis enlargement involves the use of chopped butter, milk and asparagus with the addition of carrots, carrots. The resulting mass must be boiled until thickened.
  • uses petroleum jelly.

References: the method of preparing folk mixtures is considered one of the most effective in the issue under consideration.

At the same time, do not forget that the possibilities of herbal medicine have no limitations, so everyone can experiment with it. As practice shows, it is impossible to injure oneself with his help.

Foreign material

The method used not long ago is still anecdotal, but now it is popular among many.

How to change a person's dignity parameters can mean anything, from petroleum jelly to the use of attachments, as well as:

  1. solid special ball;
  2. a well-polished toothbrush;
  3. other improvised devices.

If you know this method in the company of men, it is very important to do it under the close supervision of a qualified doctor.

Different penis enlargement devices can be used to achieve this, but there are possible consequences. As a rule, they are removed exclusively by surgical intervention and then not completely.

For this reason, it is not recommended to use such penis enlargement devices.

Precautions and side effects Manufacturers of any product to increase their size and total self-esteem, especially creams and gels, strive to convince strong human representatives that their products have passed appropriate and safe testing.

However, do not forget about the possible side effects.

For example, using a gel or cream, once applied to the penis, it can cause severe itching or burning in the scrotum.

Such reactions can also occur if there is an allergy or intolerance to separate lubricant components, including if there is a possibility of overdose.

For this reason, it is highly recommended to read the instructions before using any medication.

Expert Opinion

Many experts believe that changing the initial value can only be done with the help of surgical intervention. However, this is not entirely true, moreover, it is dangerous and allows you to get temporary effects only.

Any home method can add about 2 cm, but not more. But here you need to remember about the high risk of consequences that have an impact on your health.

If, despite the warnings, someone still decides to use one of these methods, then it is highly recommended to seek advice from the treating specialist.